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    Collecting Samples

    Cliffson and Mark during hand collecting in forests along Fly river
    Cliffson and Mark during hand collecting in forests along Fly river
    Sentiko collecting Anonychomyrma ants in their host tree
    Sentiko collecting Anonychomyrma ants in their host tree
    Leaf litter sampling in Kaiangabip (Western prov.)
    Leaf litter sampling in Kaiangabip (Western prov.)
    Leaf litter sifting in Wamangu (Sepik Prov.)
    Leaf litter sifting in Wamangu (Sepik Prov.)
    Collecting leaf litter ants in Yapsiei (Sandaun Prov.)
    Collecting leaf litter ants in Yapsiei (Sandaun Prov.)
    Hand collecting in Wamangu (Sepik Prov.)
    Hand collecting in Wamangu (Sepik Prov.)
    Collecting myrmecophytes in mangroves (Madang)
    Collecting myrmecophytes in mangroves (Madang)
    Collecting myrmecophytes in mangroves (Madang)
    Collecting myrmecophytes in mangroves (Madang)