/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(59):Undefined index: gps_lat(Array)
[_params] => Array
[id] => search
[ext] => habitat
[sql] => SELECT specimen.accession_number AS accNo,
locality.name AS locality,
locality.elevation AS height,
locality.gps_lat AS gps_lat,
locality.gps_lon AS gps_lon,
locality.id AS lid,
DATE_FORMAT(specimen.date, "%e. %c. %Y") AS date,
method.name AS method,
habitat.name AS habitat,
habitat.id AS hid,
nest.name AS nest,
nest.id AS nid,
specimen.eco_info AS ecoInfo,
specimen.remark AS remark,
specimen.note AS note,
caste.name AS caste,
species.name AS species,
species.code AS code,
species.id AS spid,
specimen.visible AS visible,
collector.name AS collector,
genus.genus AS genus,
specimen.dna AS dna
FROM specimen,locality,method,habitat,nest,caste,species,collector,genus
WHERE specimen.deleted<>1
AND specimen.locality_id=locality.id
AND specimen.method_id=method.id
AND specimen.habitat_id=habitat.id
AND specimen.nest_id=nest.id
AND specimen.caste_id=caste.id
AND specimen.collector_id=collector.id
AND species.id=specimen.species_id
AND species.genus_id=genus.id
AND specimen.id="search"
[specimen] => Array
[id] => search
/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(59):Undefined index: gps_lon(Array)
[_params] => Array
[id] => search
[ext] => habitat
[sql] => SELECT specimen.accession_number AS accNo,
locality.name AS locality,
locality.elevation AS height,
locality.gps_lat AS gps_lat,
locality.gps_lon AS gps_lon,
locality.id AS lid,
DATE_FORMAT(specimen.date, "%e. %c. %Y") AS date,
method.name AS method,
habitat.name AS habitat,
habitat.id AS hid,
nest.name AS nest,
nest.id AS nid,
specimen.eco_info AS ecoInfo,
specimen.remark AS remark,
specimen.note AS note,
caste.name AS caste,
species.name AS species,
species.code AS code,
species.id AS spid,
specimen.visible AS visible,
collector.name AS collector,
genus.genus AS genus,
specimen.dna AS dna
FROM specimen,locality,method,habitat,nest,caste,species,collector,genus
WHERE specimen.deleted<>1
AND specimen.locality_id=locality.id
AND specimen.method_id=method.id
AND specimen.habitat_id=habitat.id
AND specimen.nest_id=nest.id
AND specimen.caste_id=caste.id
AND specimen.collector_id=collector.id
AND species.id=specimen.species_id
AND species.genus_id=genus.id
AND specimen.id="search"
[specimen] => Array
[id] => search
/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(67):Undefined index: lid(Array)
[_params] => Array
[id] => search
[ext] => habitat
[sql] => SELECT specimen.accession_number AS accNo,
locality.name AS locality,
locality.elevation AS height,
locality.gps_lat AS gps_lat,
locality.gps_lon AS gps_lon,
locality.id AS lid,
DATE_FORMAT(specimen.date, "%e. %c. %Y") AS date,
method.name AS method,
habitat.name AS habitat,
habitat.id AS hid,
nest.name AS nest,
nest.id AS nid,
specimen.eco_info AS ecoInfo,
specimen.remark AS remark,
specimen.note AS note,
caste.name AS caste,
species.name AS species,
species.code AS code,
species.id AS spid,
specimen.visible AS visible,
collector.name AS collector,
genus.genus AS genus,
specimen.dna AS dna
FROM specimen,locality,method,habitat,nest,caste,species,collector,genus
WHERE specimen.deleted<>1
AND specimen.locality_id=locality.id
AND specimen.method_id=method.id
AND specimen.habitat_id=habitat.id
AND specimen.nest_id=nest.id
AND specimen.caste_id=caste.id
AND specimen.collector_id=collector.id
AND species.id=specimen.species_id
AND species.genus_id=genus.id
AND specimen.id="search"
[specimen] => Array
[id] => search
[gpslati] => 0
[gpslong] => 0
[gmloc] => 0,0
[gpstr] => 0, 0
[gps] => LIB_gps Object
[lat:LIB_gps:private] => 0
[lon:LIB_gps:private] => 0
/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(69):Undefined index: hid(Array)
[_params] => Array
[id] => search
[ext] => habitat
[sql] => SELECT specimen.accession_number AS accNo,
locality.name AS locality,
locality.elevation AS height,
locality.gps_lat AS gps_lat,
locality.gps_lon AS gps_lon,
locality.id AS lid,
DATE_FORMAT(specimen.date, "%e. %c. %Y") AS date,
method.name AS method,
habitat.name AS habitat,
habitat.id AS hid,
nest.name AS nest,
nest.id AS nid,
specimen.eco_info AS ecoInfo,
specimen.remark AS remark,
specimen.note AS note,
caste.name AS caste,
species.name AS species,
species.code AS code,
species.id AS spid,
specimen.visible AS visible,
collector.name AS collector,
genus.genus AS genus,
specimen.dna AS dna
FROM specimen,locality,method,habitat,nest,caste,species,collector,genus
WHERE specimen.deleted<>1
AND specimen.locality_id=locality.id
AND specimen.method_id=method.id
AND specimen.habitat_id=habitat.id
AND specimen.nest_id=nest.id
AND specimen.caste_id=caste.id
AND specimen.collector_id=collector.id
AND species.id=specimen.species_id
AND species.genus_id=genus.id
AND specimen.id="search"
[specimen] => Array
[id] => search
[gpslati] => 0
[gpslong] => 0
[gmloc] => 0,0
[gpstr] => 0, 0
[gps] => LIB_gps Object
[lat:LIB_gps:private] => 0
[lon:LIB_gps:private] => 0
[locPhoto] =>
/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(71):Undefined index: nid(Array)
[_params] => Array
[id] => search
[ext] => habitat
[sql] => SELECT specimen.accession_number AS accNo,
locality.name AS locality,
locality.elevation AS height,
locality.gps_lat AS gps_lat,
locality.gps_lon AS gps_lon,
locality.id AS lid,
DATE_FORMAT(specimen.date, "%e. %c. %Y") AS date,
method.name AS method,
habitat.name AS habitat,
habitat.id AS hid,
nest.name AS nest,
nest.id AS nid,
specimen.eco_info AS ecoInfo,
specimen.remark AS remark,
specimen.note AS note,
caste.name AS caste,
species.name AS species,
species.code AS code,
species.id AS spid,
specimen.visible AS visible,
collector.name AS collector,
genus.genus AS genus,
specimen.dna AS dna
FROM specimen,locality,method,habitat,nest,caste,species,collector,genus
WHERE specimen.deleted<>1
AND specimen.locality_id=locality.id
AND specimen.method_id=method.id
AND specimen.habitat_id=habitat.id
AND specimen.nest_id=nest.id
AND specimen.caste_id=caste.id
AND specimen.collector_id=collector.id
AND species.id=specimen.species_id
AND species.genus_id=genus.id
AND specimen.id="search"
[specimen] => Array
[id] => search
[gpslati] => 0
[gpslong] => 0
[gmloc] => 0,0
[gpstr] => 0, 0
[gps] => LIB_gps Object
[lat:LIB_gps:private] => 0
[lon:LIB_gps:private] => 0
[locPhoto] =>
[habPhoto] =>
/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(97):Undefined index: spid(Array)
[_params] => Array
[id] => search
[ext] => habitat
[sql] => SELECT specimen.accession_number AS accNo,
locality.name AS locality,
locality.elevation AS height,
locality.gps_lat AS gps_lat,
locality.gps_lon AS gps_lon,
locality.id AS lid,
DATE_FORMAT(specimen.date, "%e. %c. %Y") AS date,
method.name AS method,
habitat.name AS habitat,
habitat.id AS hid,
nest.name AS nest,
nest.id AS nid,
specimen.eco_info AS ecoInfo,
specimen.remark AS remark,
specimen.note AS note,
caste.name AS caste,
species.name AS species,
species.code AS code,
species.id AS spid,
specimen.visible AS visible,
collector.name AS collector,
genus.genus AS genus,
specimen.dna AS dna
FROM specimen,locality,method,habitat,nest,caste,species,collector,genus
WHERE specimen.deleted<>1
AND specimen.locality_id=locality.id
AND specimen.method_id=method.id
AND specimen.habitat_id=habitat.id
AND specimen.nest_id=nest.id
AND specimen.caste_id=caste.id
AND specimen.collector_id=collector.id
AND species.id=specimen.species_id
AND species.genus_id=genus.id
AND specimen.id="search"
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[id] => search
[gpslati] => 0
[gpslong] => 0
[gmloc] => 0,0
[gpstr] => 0, 0
[gps] => LIB_gps Object
[lat:LIB_gps:private] => 0
[lon:LIB_gps:private] => 0
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[nestPhoto] =>
[studySite] =>
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/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(100):Undefined index: accNo(Array)
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[id] => search
[ext] => habitat
[sql] => SELECT genus.id AS gid,genus.genus AS gname,subfamily.name AS sfname,subfamily.id AS sfid
FROM species,genus,subfamily
WHERE species.id="" AND species.genus_id=genus.id AND genus.subfamily_id=subfamily.id
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/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(104):Undefined index: spid(Array)
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[ext] => habitat
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FROM species,genus,subfamily
WHERE species.id="" AND species.genus_id=genus.id AND genus.subfamily_id=subfamily.id
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/var/www/ants/ctrl/front/specimen.ctrl.php(105):Undefined index: accNo(Array)
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FROM species,genus,subfamily
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Date: | /var/www/ants/view/front/specimen/card.php(77):Undefined index: date(Array) Array ( [_name] => content [_params] => Array ( ) [photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 995 [file] => specimen-lateral--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LATERAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 993 [file] => specimen-frontal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-FRONTAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 994 [file] => specimen-dorsal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-DORSAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) [count] => 4 [photo] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) |
Method: | /var/www/ants/view/front/specimen/card.php(84):Undefined index: method(Array) Array ( [_name] => content [_params] => Array ( ) [photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 995 [file] => specimen-lateral--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LATERAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 993 [file] => specimen-frontal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-FRONTAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 994 [file] => specimen-dorsal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-DORSAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) [count] => 4 [photo] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) |
Habitat: | /var/www/ants/view/front/specimen/card.php(88):Undefined index: habitat(Array) Array ( [_name] => content [_params] => Array ( ) [photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 995 [file] => specimen-lateral--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LATERAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 993 [file] => specimen-frontal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-FRONTAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 994 [file] => specimen-dorsal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-DORSAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) [count] => 4 [photo] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) |
Collector: | /var/www/ants/view/front/specimen/card.php(97):Undefined index: collector(Array) Array ( [_name] => content [_params] => Array ( ) [photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 995 [file] => specimen-lateral--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LATERAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 993 [file] => specimen-frontal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-FRONTAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 994 [file] => specimen-dorsal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-DORSAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) [count] => 4 [photo] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) |
Nest: | /var/www/ants/view/front/specimen/card.php(101):Undefined index: nest(Array) Array ( [_name] => content [_params] => Array ( ) [photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 995 [file] => specimen-lateral--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LATERAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 993 [file] => specimen-frontal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-FRONTAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 994 [file] => specimen-dorsal--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-DORSAL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) [count] => 4 [photo] => Array ( [id] => 1004 [file] => specimen-label--0.jpg [description] => [subject_type] => SPECIMEN-LABEL [subject_id] => 0 [caste] => W [uploaded] => 0000-00-00 [deleted] => 0 [name] => W [pos] => 1 ) ) |