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    This site has been developed by researchers from Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Social Insects at Biology Center, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, in collaboration with New Guinea Binatang Research Center, Madang, Papua New Guinea.

    The Ants of New Guinea project has been supported by following laboratories and researchers:


    We are very grateful to numerous colleagues for help with ant identifications and other assistance with our research projects: G. D. Alpert, A. N. Andersen, B. Blaimer, R. Clouse, J. Czekanski-Moir, R. Eastwood, E. P. Economo, S. P. Cover, B. L. Fisher, D. General, D. Gotzek, R. Kohout, D. Kronauer, P. Krushelnicky, J. LaPolla, F. Latumahina, A. Lucky, C. S. Moreau, C. Rabeling, E. Sarnat, S. Shattuck, R. Snelling, P. S. Ward;

    We are very grateful to the all staff of the New Guinea Binatang Research Center and numerous associated field assistants for long-term participation in our projects and their help. S. Ibalim, C. Idigel, T. Pius, J. Malai, S. Sau and E. Tamtiai participated significantly during the fieldwork.

    Our fieldwork wouldn’t be possible without the essential help of local communities at each research site. We thank the PNG National Research Institute and Department of Environment and Conservation for support and assistance with our research projects.

    Sponsors and grants

    Cooperating institutions